pühapäev, 5. jaanuar 2014


It has been 38 days since I arrived back from Czech Republic. 

How did I feel when I came back? I was a bit in a shock. Hearing Estonian again was weird and strange at first, to be honest. I had gotten used to the fact that the person who I speak directly with understands me but not others, not people around me. It took me about a week to retrain myself. 

Another thing that was a big, big shocker was that at the same night I arrived home, my friends came, knocked on my door and invited me to a party. They surprised me. Actually they wanted to surprise me at the bus terminal but I told them the wrong time, by accident. And there my friends were, standing in front of my house and hugging me. And there I was, standing in front of my house, having a heart attack.  

How do I feel about that trip now? Was it worth not going to school for three months? At first I have to tell you, yes I really do call those three months a one big trip. And was it all worth the big work I have to do right now? Well, to be honest, I´m not that sure about that... I mean I enjoyed it, I got new experiences, some new friends, and overall it was one awesome trip. I just haven´t thought it through. Maybe it´s not something to think about that much?

I think about those three months every day. Not a single day goes by when I haven´t thought about what I did there or who I met and so on. I just realized I have to change my playlist, there are only the songs I downloaded in CR and it makes me kind of sentimental. This sentence just made me feel old...

Talking about age - I feel older now. Honestly. After those three months I feel I have grown. Not in height, not in weight but I feel quite often that I´m 23 or 25 or so. It´s strange, it´s something new.  

I remember the first day I woke up in my own bed in my own room after that trip, I felt I was in heaven and I told everybody that that´s it, I´m not going anywhere anymore, I´m going to live right here with my family for the rest of my life. I also remember that the fact that in 9 months I have to go to school to another bigger town kind of scared me. But now, just few days ago, I realized that I want to go to study abroad. In Ireland for example. And then I thought that I´ll study in Pärnu at first but then I´ll do my practice in Ireland. Sounds freaking freaking great, awesome and all those good words for me.

The last time I met my very best friend and told her about my big future plans, she said that I should really start to write a blog. Start writing, find my niche and then everything will just go as I have dreamed. 

In conclusion of all this long long text I just want to say that I would never have started dreaming that big and would never be as persevering as I am right now without this big trip. I am being totally honest right now. So thank you all again so so much whoever helped me with going there, being there, coming back here.

And here are two songs that I absolutely love at the moment:

I hope you all enjoy your life as much as possible :)

PS! I honestly miss learning Czech language. I should start learning it by myself with a little help from the big and great Internet. One day I will. 

PSS! The meaning of this post here isn´t to talk about my trip forever and ever. I just thought that some people might be interested in how it has been and what I think about it now and so on.

reede, 29. november 2013

The end

My wonderful journey has ended. Already. 

At the moment I´m sitting at the Frankfurt Airport. Thinking about those three months. 

I can´t get over the fact how freaking quickly those three months went. I can´t believe it. It just... I´m in shock. 

Did I like it? Did I like my life there? I did. I experienced so many new things, I met so many new people.. And what´s most important to me - I lived without my parents for three whole months. And I survived, surprise, surprise.

Was there anything I didn´t like? Of course there was. I mean, there were times when I was bored, when I had nothing to do there, when I doubted about my choice going there. 

But overall I enjoyed it so much that I can´t even describe it.

I´m sad that I had to leave. I´m sad that this time ended that soon. But at the same time I am really excited. Excited and happy about going home, seeing my family and friends, sleeping in my own bed. 

I wasn´t prepared for leaving that soon. But I´m glad I even got that opportunity to experience being an exchange student. 

Thank you all for that. 

This song has been here once but since it´s that good then... just enjoy.

Na shledanou, bye bye :)
Your KidKadi 

reede, 22. november 2013

Hello again!

Nonii... Mu aeg hakkab siin otsa saama. Need 3 kuud on küll üli kiiresti läinud. Varsti pean hakkama pakkima. Jälle. Ma vihkan pakkimist. Aga mul on veel tervelt üks nädal jäänud. 

Eelmisel laupäeval käisin hokit vaatamas. See pole üldse nii vägivaldne, kui filmides näidatakse. Arvasin, et hoki on kõige jõhkram spordiala terves universusmis. Ma eksisin.

Ahjaa, käisin eelmisel kolmapäeval H-ga loomaaias. Praha loomaaed on üks suurimaid Euroopas. Jalutasime pea 4 tundi seal ringi. Mulle väga väga meeldis. Sattusin ekstaasi kõige peale. Tundin päris tihti ennast viie aastasen sel päeval. Väga tore oli. 

Ilm on siin üsna kohutav. Õues on nii külm, et isegi talvejope ja kinnastega külmun ära. Ilmateade väitis, et teisipäeval hakkab lund sadama. Ma loodan, et ei hakka. Ja ma loodan veel, et kui ma tagasi Eestisse jõuan, ei ole seal külm ega lumine, nii et ma saaksin rattaga sõita. Igatsen väga rattaga sõitmist. Imelik, aga nii on.

Tänaseks siis kõik vast. 

Olge toredad, nautige elu ;)
Kõike ilusat,

Sososo.... My time is up quite soon. Those 3 months have gone so freaking quickly I can´t even believe it. I have to start packing soon. Again. I hate packing. But I still have one whole week left.

Last Saturday I went to see a hokey match. This sport isn´t that violent at all. I´ve seen it only in movies and I thought hockey is the most brutal sport in the whole universe. I was pretty wrong.

 Oh, I went to the zoo last Wednesday with H. That zoo in Prague is one of the biggest zoos in Europe. We walked around almost for 4 hours. I liked it very very much. I got so excited about everything that I felt like a five years old quite often that day. I had so much fun there.

The weather is awful. It is so cold that I have to wear my winter jacket and gloves and I´m still freezing to death. The weather forecast said that it will start snowing on Tuesday. I hope it won´t. And I also hope that when I arrive back to Estonia it will not be cold and it will not be snowing so I could ride a bike. I really miss cycling. It´s strange, but I do. 

And that´s it for today, I guess. 

Have fun, enjoy your life ;)

reede, 8. november 2013

Pole päris pikka aega siia midagi kirjutanud...

Vaheaeg on möödas, nüüd veel viimased kolm nädalat koolis, ja siis ongi koju minek. Täitsa ootan juba.

Koolivaheaeg oli väga mõnus. Kohtusin uute inimestega, tegin asju, mida Eestis siiani teinud pole/ei teeks ka mitte kunagi ilmselt.

Laupäeval käisin fitnessi ja kulturismi(?) võistlust vaatamas. Nägin palju ja suuri lihaseid.

Pühapäeval käisin rattaga sõitmas. Valisin kõige lollikindalama tee, kus ära eksida pole lihtsalt võimalik. Otse, pööre paremale, otse, pööre vasakule, otse ja siis tagasi täpselt sama teed mööda. Olen Kadi ja eksisin tagasi tulles ära. Peale kolme tundi väntamist jõudsin lõpuks kottpimedas koju. 

Mingil päeval käisin veel sõitmas. Ära ei eksinud.

Teisipäeval ja neljapäeval käisime vesipiibukohvikus. Väga, väga meeldis. Istusime maas patjade peal (selles esimeses kohvikus), jõime teed. Mina nautisin väga. 

Reedel käisin transvestiitide showd vaatamas. Kutsuti. Mõtlesin, et miks mitte, pole elu sees midagi sellist näinud ja ilmselt ise kunagi vaatama ei läheks ka. Ma sa seal šoki. Reaalselt. Nendel onudel oli parem meik, soeng ja riided kui nii mõnelgi naisel publikus. Ja kontsadega oskasid ka nad ikka väga hästi ringi hüpata. Pärast showd tantsisme paar tundi ja siis läksime koju ära. Ööbisin ühe sõbranna pool. Kohtusin temaga tegelikult samal õhtul, kui show oli. Aga ta on tohutult tore, ta pere samamoodi. Varsti lähen sinna uuesti.

Julgen väita, et see oli vist mu kõige lemmikum koolivaheaeg, mis mul siiani olnud on, kui suved välja jätta.

Järgmisel reedel läheme H-ga teise linna ja veedame seal terve nädalavahetuse. Ööbime hotellis ja naudime aega.

Sellest järgmisel reedel lähen sünnipäevale. Ja siis ongi juba koju tulek :)

Olge rõõmsad, tsaupaka :)


 It´s been a while since my last post.... 

The holiday is over, last three weeks at school and then I´ll go back home. Surprisingly, I´m looking forward to it.

The school holiday was awesome. I met new people, did things that I´ve never done in Estonia/probably won´t ever do.

On Saturday I went to see a fitness and bodybuilding competition. I saw many and big muscles there. 

On Sunday I went to ride a bike. I chose the most foolproof way where getting lost wasn´t even an option. I went straight, turned to the left, went straight, turned to the right, went straight and the came back. Hello, I´m Kadi, I got lost. After three hours of cycling I arrived back home. It was dark outside, I couldn´t even see my own arm. 

I went cycling on some other day, too. Didn´t get lost anymore.

On Tuesday and Thursday we went to water pipe cafe. I really, really liked it. We sat down on the pillows (in the first cafe), drank tea. I enjoyed it very much. 

On Friday I went to see on drag queens show. I was invited and I thought, why not. I had never seen anything like this before and wouldn´t probably go to see this kind of show by myself. I was in a shock. Seriously. These guys had better make up, clothes and hair than some of the women in the audience. And jumping around in high heels wasn´t also a problem for them at all. After the show we stayed there, danced for couple of hours and then went back home. I stayed overnight at one of my friends home. I actually met her the first time at the same night the show was. But she is really nice, as well as her family. I will go there again soon. 

I can say, that this was my favorite school holiday in my life, I think. Summers don´t count. 

Next Friday we are going to another town with H and we´re going to spend the whole weekend in there. We´ll stay at the hotel and just enjoy the time. 

The Friday after that trip to another town I´m going to a birthday party. And then it´s time go home :)

Be happy, byebye :)


esmaspäev, 14. oktoober 2013


Niisiis, jällegi on üle nädala möödas minu viimasest postitusest. Kirjutan siis nüüd oma väikesest Praha reisist :)

Eelmisel kolmapäeval ja neljapäeval toimus Prahas vahetusõpilaste mingisugune konverents vms. See oli lõbus ja hariv. Kaks mentorit, kui neid nii võib kutsuda, jagasid meile igasuguseid nippe ja informatsiooni selle kohta, kuidas selle kõigega hakkama saada, mida teha siis, kui oled kurb, tunned üksindust või koduigatsust. Mängisime igasuguseid mänge ja meisterdasime enda Facebooki seina ootuste ja reaalsuse kohta. 

Õhtul läksime linna tuurile, mida ma kohutavalt nautisin. Mulle meeldib Praha. Arvan, et see on linn, kus isegi mõda aega elada võiks. Pärast tuuri läksime restorani sööma, mis asus 66m kõrgusel. Vaade sealt ülevalt oli lihtsalt kirjeldamatu.

Peale õhtusööki läksime mina, H ja kaks lätlast Praha ööelu avastama ja nautima. Kõndisime pea kaks tundi ringi. Magama läksin mina umbes kolme ajal hommikul. Ning kuna hotellis olid ülipehmed voodid, oli hommikul väga raske üles saada. 

Neljapäeval räägiti meile paberimajandusest, mille küigega me tegelema peame, mängisime veel natuke mänge ja siis oligi aeg tagasi Štětisse minna. Nautisin väga neid kahte päeva. 

Ja kuna mul pole hetkel millestki rohkem rääkida, siis jagan teiega lihtsalt oma viimaseid lemmikuid :)

Aitäh, E, et mulle neid tutvustasid ;)

Ja nagu tavaliselt, olge rõõmsad :)


So, again, it´s been over a week since my last post. I will write about my trip to Prague :)

So, last Wednesday and Thursday I was in Prague. There was some kind of exchange students´ meeting or something. It was fun and educating. The two mentors, if I may call them so, gave us so many tips and information about how to handle all this, what and how to do when we feel sad and lonely and homesick. We also played some games, made our own Facebook wall about our expectations and reality. 

In the evening we went to a city tour which I really enjoyed. I like Prague. I think that this is a city where I could even live for a while. Then, after the trip, we went to eat at a restaurant which was 66m above the ground. The view was just  indescribable. 

Then, after the dinner, me, H and two Latvians went out to discover and enjoy the nightlife of Prague. We walked around for over two hours, I think. I went to sleep somewhere around 3.00 am. And because of the extremely soft beds at the hotel it was really hard for me to get up in the morning. 

On Thursday we talked about the paperwork we have to do, played some more games and then it was time for us to go back to Štěti. It was sad, because I enjoyed this whole thing very much, I really liked it. 

And because I don´t know what else to write about, I´ll just share my latest favorites with you :)

 Thanks E for introducing them ;)

As usually, hugs and kisses from Kadi :)

kolmapäev, 2. oktoober 2013

Hello-hello my friends and strangers from all over the world!

Te ei kujuta ettegi, kui raske seda blogi kirjutada on. Oleks nagu paljustki rääkida, samas pole nagu üldse. Tegin isegi joogat ennem, et sellega tegelema ei peaks... 

Koolis pole vist midagi huvitavat juhtunud. Mu võõrkeele õppimine areneb, matemaatikast aru ei saa, inglise keel on lihtne. Kunsti tunnid ka. Kuna siin on kõige kõrgem hinne kooli 1 ning kõige madalam 5, mis on siis Eesti süsteemile hoopis vastupidine, ehmun ma iga kord ära, kui mõne kahe saan. Sellega vist ei harjugi ära.

Unerütm on kuidagi väga paigast ära läinud. Öösiti enam enne kella ühte, kahte und ei tulegi. Ma võin küll kell üksteist voodisse ära minna, silmad kinni panna, aga magama lihtsalt ei jää. Samas väga tahaks.

Süüa oleme hakanud ka rohkem tegema, kui näiteks nädal - kaks tagasi. Umbes iga kahe-kolme päeva tagant küdsame midagi. Kuid müslid, jogurtid ja võikud on siiani põhilised. Kodusest toidust tunnen päris puudust ...

Käisin eelmine neljapäev kinos ühte õudukat vaatamas. Film oli hea, mulle väga meeldis. Nagu paljud teavad, meeldivad mulle vaimude, deemonite ja muu sellise värgiga filmid kohutavalt, sest ma reaalselt usun sellistesse asjadesse. Võite naerda, aga nii on. Igatahes, peale selle filmi nägemist ehmun ma iga asja peale. Keegi tuleb ootamatult vastu - Kadi ehmub. Keegi astub uksest sisse - Kadi ehmub. Radiaator teeb häält - Kadi ehmub.  Ükskord isegi röökisin päris pikalt.

Meil teeb radiaator toas mingit väga imelikku häält, mis on pimedas vaikses toas päris õudne. Helena arvab, et need on õhumullid torudes, mina arvan, et keegi on seal kinni (mõni deemon näiteks) ja tahab välja saada. Ma loodan, et see õhku ei lenda meie toas.

Eelmine nädalavahetus olime ühikas ja ei teinud mitte midagi tarka. Reedel, kui Helena peale kooli magama jäi, olin ma igavusest juba nii meeleheitel, et toksisin Googlesse sisse ´´Mida teha Štetis?´´. Google andis täpselt null vastust. Laupäeval otsustasime, et läheks käiks bussiga lähedal asuvas linnas, vaataks seal ringi. Kõndisime bussijaama selleks, et näha, et ühtegi bussi enam ei sõida. Jalutasime siis natuke selles samas linnas ringi. Šteti on ikka üllatavalt väike koht...

Pühapäeval toimus ühes teises lähedal asuvas linnas veinifestival. Polnud sellisest asjad varem kuulnudki. Asi nägi siis sedasi välja, et oli hästi palju väikesi putkasid, kus müüdi erinevaid veine, käsitööd, toitu, ehteid. Tore pühapäev oli vähemalt. 

Järgmine nädal kolmapäeval ja neljapäeval toimub Prahas vahetusõpilastele mingi seminar. Ööbimine ja transport makstakse kinni. Prahat ootan ma väga. 

Ma olen nüüd kuu aja jooksul kaks korda unes näinud, et satun Põlvasse tagasi. Täna öösel nägin unes, et sain siin täpselt ühe kuu ära olla ja siis saadeti mind Eestisse tagasi. Suurest kurvastusest hakkasin nutma. Unes muidugi, mitte päriselt.

Rohkem midagi täna rääkida polegi. Ilmselt ka mitte terve järgmise nädala jooksul. Aga eks näis. Aa, 25.oktoober hakkab meil vaheaeg ka. Tervelt üheksa päeva on see pikk vist.

Ilusat sügist teile, tsaupaka :)

Teie KidKadi


You have no idea, how hard it is to write this blog. I have so much to write about, but at the same time - nothing.  I even did yoga before so I wouldn´t have to do this...

Nothing special has happened in school, I think. Learning Czech is interesting, maths is still hard, English is easy. So is art. Every time when I get a mark in some lesson, for a second I freak out because here, the highest mark is 1 and the lowest is 5, which is weird for me, because in Estonia the system is different - the lowest mark is 1 and the highest is 5. I think I will never get used to this system here.

My sleeping habits are a big mess. I just can´t fall asleep before 1 or 2am. I can go to bed at 11pm, close my eyes but I just won´t fall asleep. But I really want to. 

We have started cooking more than we did a week - two ago. We cook something easy about every two or three days. But we still eat a lot of muesli, yoghurt and sandwiches. I miss home-cooked food.  

 Last Thursday I went to the cinema to watch a horror movie. The movie was great, I really liked it. As many of you know, I really enjoy movies with ghosts, demons and other stuff like that, because I truly believe in this kind of things. You can laugh, but that´s the truth. Anyway, after seeing such a movie, I freak out about everything. Somebody unexpectedly walks towards me - Kadi is scared. Somebody enters the room - Kadi is scared. A Radiator makes noises - Kadi is scared. Once I even screamed for quite a long time. 

The radiator in our room makes some really strange noises, which are very scary at nights. Helena thinks that there are some air bubbles in it, I think that there is someone (a demon for example) inside it and it wants to get out. I hope the radiator won´t explode in our room. 

 The last weekend we did nothing smart. On Friday when Helena fell asleep after school, I was so bored that I googled for ´´Things to do in Šteti´´. Google gave me exactly zero answers. On Saturday we decided to go to another town by bus. We walked to the bus station to see that there wouldn´t be any buses riding anymore that day. And so we walked around this town we live in. Šteti is surprisingly small... 

On Sunday we went to wine celebrations. I had never heard about anything like that before. So the whole celebration looked like that: many, many small booths with wine, food, jewellery, handicraft. It was quite a nice day.

Next week on Wednesday and Thursday we are going to Prague to some exchanges students´ meeting. Transport and accommodation will be paid for by the project. I am really excited about going to Prague. 

During this last month I have had a dream that I will go back to Põlva twice. In the last dream I was sent back to Estonia after one month. I was so sad that I even cried. In the dream, of course.

I think that is it for today. And probably for the next week. We´ll see. Oh, our holiday starts on 25October and it lasts for nine whole days, I think. 

Have a nice autumn :)

Your KidKadi.

laupäev, 21. september 2013

No tere. Florika mainis, et ma pole ammu kirjutanud...

Ei teagi, millest kirjutada, kust alustada...

Koolis on kerge, matemaatika töö sain nelja, täitsa rahul olen.

Eelmine nädalavahetus käisime H, J ning H-ga 13 km-l jalgsimatkal Tšehhi ühe kõrgeima mäe otsas, minu andmete kohaselt. Reisi võtan kokku järgmise lausega - oleksin eelistanud jalgrattasõitu. Järgmisel päeval olid kõik kohad valusad, kõik kohad. Isegi kann oli valus. Istuda, astuda, püsti saada oli omaette katsumus. 

Meid viidi ka pubisse, kus siis kohalikel oli võimalus meid uudistada, jooke osta ja pilte teha. Oma võimalusi nad kasutasid.

Nagu Helena oma blogis ka mainis, on J-i ema suurepärane kokk. Ise me enam ühikas nii väga süüa ei tee, lihtsalt ei viitsi enam. Nuudlite, müslide ja jogurtite peale esimese nädala möödudes üle minek oli ka meile endile üllatav, sest algselt olime endas väga kindlad, et hakkame lõbusalt kokkama. Koostasime isegi nädalamenüid ja poenimekirju. Jah, nüüd siis juba teist nädalat nuudlid, müslid, jogurtid...

Kas koduigatsus ka piinab ning kas Eestisse ei taha tagasi juba? 

Vastus on lihne - EI! 

Mulle kohutavalt meeldib siin, ei kahetse  absoluutselt, et sellise valiku tegin. Lomulikult oleks tore oma peret ja sõpru näha, enda pehmes voodis magada ja vanaema tehtud hernesuppi süüa (jah, juba esimesel nädalal tuli mul kohutav isu vanaema tehtud hernesuppi süüa) kuid ma mõtlen hirmuga selle peale, et ainult kaks kuud veel ja siis saab see imeline aeg siin otsa... Ei taha kohe üldse tagasi tulla, kui nüüd aus olla. 

Selleks korraks siis kõik. Loodan, et oled mu postitusega nüüd rahul siis, Florika  :)

Olge tublid, nautige kõike :)



 Well Hello. Florika said, I haven´t written here for a while...

Don´t know what to write, where to start...

School is easy, got a ´4´ in math test, I´m quite pleased with my life.

Last weekend me, H, J and H went to a 13km long trip to one of the highest mountains in CZ, I think. One sentence to describe this trip - I would have prefered cycling. On the next day everything hurt, everything. Even my butt. Sitting, walking or getting up was a big challenge.

We were taken to a pub, where locals had a change to gaze us, buy us drinks or even take a photo of us. They used their changes. 

As Helena mentioned in her blog, J-s mother is an amazing cook. We don´t cook that much in a dormitory anymore, we´re just too lazy for that. Now we are eating noodles, muesli, yogurt, which is also very surprising for us too, because at first we were making menus for weeks and store lists. And now noodles, muesli, yogurt...

Are you homesick? Don´t you want to come back to Estonia already?

The answer is easy - NO! 

I honestly really really very much like it in here. I have no regrets at all for coming here. Of course I would like to meet my family and friends, to sleep in my soft bed and to eat my grandmothers pea soup (yes, I really miss my grandmothers pea soup) but thinking about going back there in two months scares me. I don´t want this wonderful life that I have in here to end. No, I don´t want to go back to Estonia, not at all, to be honest...

That´s it for this time. I hope you´re pleased with my post this time, Florika :)

Take care, everybody, enjoy everything :)
